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发布时间:2023-04-24 浏览量:













1. 新污染物环境归趋与风险评估

2. 水质转化过程与生态修复

3. 水生态系统健康评价

4. 生态环境规划与管理


1. 国家自然科学基金:污水处理厂消毒工艺对出水有机物光化学活性的影响研究(21876056),2019-2022年

2. 国家自然科学基金:基于EDCs氯消毒副产物紫外吸收红移效应的太阳光直接降解机制研究(21677054),2017-2020年

3. 国家自然科学基金:典型PPCPs及其代谢、转化物的光降解基质效应与机理研究(21377043),2014-2017年

4. 国家自然科学基金:天然水中腐殖质诱导胺类药物光致电子转移反应活性与机理研究(21007018),2011-2013年

5. 国家重点研发计划:城镇及工业有机固废高效热解技术及大型化装备研究,子课题,2019-2022年


1.  Dong Wan, Jie Wang, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, Yaqian Kong, Wanying Yao,  Steplinpaulselvin Selvinsimpson, Yong Chen*. Photogeneration of reactive  species from biochar-derived dissolved black carbon for the degradation  of amine and phenolic pollutants. Environmental Science and Technology, 2021, 55(13), 8866-8876.

2. Dong Wan, Haiyue Wang, Virender K. Sharma, Steplinpaulselvin Selvinsimpson, Hongliang Dai, Fan Luo, Chengjun Wang, Yong Chen*. Mechanistic investigation of enhanced photoreactivity of dissolved organic matter after chlorination. Environmental Science and Technology, 2021, 55(13), 8937-8946.

3.  Dong Wan, Virender K. Sharma, Lu Liu, Yuegang Zuo, Yong Chen*.  Mechanistic insight into the effect of metal ions on photogeneration of  reactive species from dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science  and Technology, 2019, 53, 5778-5786.

4.  Yong Chen, Chun Hu, Xuexiang Hu, Jiuhui Qu. Indirect photodegradation  of amine drugs in aqueous solution. Environmental Science Technology, 2009, 43(8), 2760-2765.

5.  Dong Wan, Yong Chen*, Jing Su, Lu Liu, Yuegang Zuo. Ultraviolet  absorption redshift induced direct photodegradation of halogenated  parabens under simulated sunlight. Water Research, 2018, 142, 46-54.

6. Dong Wan, Yaqian Kong, Steplinpaulselvin Selvinsimpson, Fan Luo, Yong Chen*. Effect  of UV254 disinfection on the photoformation of reactive species from  effluent organic matter of wastewater treatment plant. Water Research,  2020, 185, 116301.

7. Dong  Wan, Haiyan Wang, Ivan P. Pozdnyakov, Chengjun Wang, Jing Su, Yanrong  Zhang, Yuegang Zuo, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, Yong Chen*. Formation and  enhanced photodegradation of chlorinated derivatives of bisphenol A in  wastewater treatment plant effluent. Water Research, 2020, 184, 116002.

8.  Yong Chen*, Hong Li, Zongping Wang, Huijie Li, Tao Tao, Yuegang Zuo.  Photodegradation of selected b-blockers in aqueous fulvic acid  solutions: Kinetics, mechanism, and product analysis. Water Research,  2012, 46, 2965-2972.


1. Yong Chen. Photodegradation of pharmaceutical waste by nano-materials as photocatalysts. Edited by Pardeep Singh, Anwesha Borthakur, P.K Mishra and Dhanesh Tiwary. Nano-Materials as Photocatalysts for Degradation of Environmental Pollutants: Challenges and Possibilities. Elsevier Press, 2020, pp 143-152.

2. Yong Chen, Steplinpaulselvin Selvinsimpson. Bio-inspired materials for adsorptive removal of water pollutants. Edited by Arif Ahamad, Sharf Ilahi Siddiqui and Pardeep Singh. Contamination of Water: Health Risk Assessment and Treatment Strategies. Elsevier Academic Press, 2021, pp 375-384.

3. Yong Chen, Steplinpaulselvin Selvinsimpson. Bio-Based Technologies and Combination of Other Technologies.  Edited by Pardeep Singh, Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain and Mika  Sillanpaa. Innovative Bio-Based Technologies for Environmental  Remediation. CRC Press, 2022, pp 125-132.

4. Steplinpaulselvin Selvinsimpson, Yong Chen, Industry and environmental life-cycle assessment background and perspective.  Edited by Pardeep Singh, Joao Bassin, Sanchayita Rajkhowa, Chaudhery  Hussain and Ramesh Oraon. Environmental Sustainability and Industries:  Technologies for Solid Waste, Wastewater, and Air Treatment. Elsevier  Press, 2022, pp 275-288.

5. Yong Chen, Steplinpaulselvin Selvinsimpson. Fate and assessment of pesticide in aquatic ecosystem.  Edited by Pardeep Singh, Suruchi Singh and Mika Sillanpaa. Pesticides  in the Natural Environment: Sources, Health Risks, and Remediation.  Elsevier Press, 2021, pp 51-63.

6. Yong Chen, Steplinpaulselvin Selvinsimpson. Current Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for Plastic Recycling.  Edited by Arif Ahamad, Pardeep Singh and Dhanesh Tiwary. Plastic and  Microplastic in the Environment: Management and Health Risks. Wiley  Press, 2022, pp 205-211.

7.  Yong Chen, Steplinpaulselvin Selvinsimpson. Latest Industry Trends and  Future Perspective. Edited by Arif Ahamad, Pardeep Singh and Dhanesh  Tiwary. Plastic and Microplastic in the Environment: Management and  Health Risks. Wiley Press, 2022, pp 216-221.

8.  Steplinpaulselvin Selvinsimpson, Yong Chen. Microbial-based synthesis  of nanoparticles to remove different pollutants from wastewater.  Environmental Applications of Microbial Nanotechnology: Emerging Trends  in Environmental Remediation. Edited by Pardeep Singh, Vijay Kumar,  Mansi Bakshi, Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, and Mika Sillanpää. Elsevier Press, 2022, pp 167-178.
